阶段闪蒸干燥机建立您的声誉,质量 Antec的精密制造级闪蒸干燥机(斑点机)增加贵公司的通用性和一致的,高质量的丝网印刷,鼓励重复的业务,并加强盈利能力,巩固你的信誉!另外中,安泰克提供了全方位的旋转闪蒸干燥机的解决方案,以满足您的需求。让我们来看看...阶段工艺闪蒸干燥器 Antec的运用的工艺,质量高,红外线板,没有热点,以确保一致性和可靠性。竞争力的价格,所有通过第一阶段第四阶段闪蒸干燥器可在面板尺寸为16×16和18×24。还有更多... 作为Antec的机丝网印刷的要求为您设置了舞台!第一阶段闪蒸干燥机:负担得起的要点 我们的舞台,我闪蒸干燥机集成了一个非常合理的投资的基本特征。Antec的标准的质量和可靠性,在第一阶段干燥机采用了坚固耐用,坚固的支架与双锁高度调节。腿矫直机补偿任何地板的变化,而我们的^控制杆可以轻松面板旋转。只需推/拉棒转动方便的阶段,我在打印压板上,没有额外的步骤!一个很大的好处,当你做所有的工作... 让我们面对现实吧,手工并不意味着难以操作。在比较成本,价值,生产,第一阶段干燥机不能被打败!第二阶段闪蒸干燥机:轻松丝网印刷干燥 第一阶段,第二阶段干燥机提供的基本特征,我加Antec的通过面板,过热的,强制热风系统的。与其他品牌不同的分配面板周围的空气,Antec的第二阶段干燥机“额外的步骤。到第390孔钻在每个红外面板,允许尽可能100立方英尺过热空气流通每分钟的精度。的空气直接流下来,通过面板上压板,大大提高了生产力,同时从根本上消除烈日和燃烧的关注。 闪烁或固化的粉扑,尼龙,或水基油墨时,您将真正体会这个功能!紧,细实线,光深色服装上的油墨,多色外套,保险杠贴纸..... 第二阶段闪蒸干燥机丝网印刷干燥一件轻而易举的事!第三阶段闪蒸干燥器:增加生产 第三阶段的闪蒸干燥器增加您的自动化生产,通过。广泛的测试,引导Antec的发展我们的生产结果的推动,专有周期停留返回系统。 脚踏驱动,第三期面板将轮流在压板和保持(暂停)从0到60秒。的停留可以调整,以满足当前的生产要求。后住竣工,面板会自动返回到起始位置。 启动一个周期,通过简单的按下和释放脚踏板,这将导致面板在滚筒旋转,住,然后返回到起始位置。另一个提高生产力的功能,第三阶段闪蒸干燥机是我们独有的“快速回报”。在在住/固化期间的任何时间,踩下脚踏板,你可以覆盖周期。面板返回到起始位置,其余的停留时间,复位为下一个周期 - 另一个Antec的阶段III^!第四阶段:你的^解决方案 第四阶段在阶段I - III,导致^终闪蒸干燥机,丝网印刷采用的主要特点。我们的客户同意!第四阶段结合高质量,红外面板,带有强制自动面板旋转,通过面板,过热的空气。结果如何呢?一个真正意义上的全能型,生产型闪蒸干燥机。第四阶段是一个解决问题的塑溶胶,水基,尼龙,和吹油墨,创造奇迹。过热空气减少炎炎,大大提高了生产,通过减少闪光灯暂停期间。我们的高效和技术先进的面板治愈没有热点,为您提供卓越的品质和总您的^终产品的信心。Antec的第四阶段闪蒸干燥机,有效地解决了所有的机挑战你的脸在极具竞争力的价格!这是机,^大限度地提高客户的满意度和忠诚。Stage Flash DryersEstablish Your Reputation For Quality Antec's precision-manufactured Stage Flash Dryers (spot dryers) increase your firm's versatility and solidify your reputation for consistent, high quality screen printing, encouraging repeat business and bolstering profitability! Plus, Antec offers a full range of flash dryer solutions to meet your needs. Let's take a look...State-Of-The-Art Flash Dryers Antec utilizes state of the art, high-mass, infrared panels with no hot spots to ensure consistency and reliability. Competitively priced, all Stage I through Stage IV Flash Dryers are available in panel sizes 16 x 16 and 18 x 24. There's more... Read on as Antec sets the Stage for you with dryers for all your screen printing requirements!Stage I Flash Dryer: Affordable Essentials Our Stage I flash dryer incorporates essential features for a very reasonable investment. True to Antec's standards of quality and dependability, the Stage I Dryer utilizes a durable, sturdy stand with double-locking height adjustment. Leg levelers compensate for any floor variation while our exclusive control rod allows effortless panel rotation. Just push/pull the handy rod to pivot your Stage I over the print platen with no extra steps! A great benefit when you're doing all the work... Let's face it, manual shouldn't mean difficult to operate. When comparing cost, value, and production, the Stage I Dryer cannot be beat!Stage II Flash Dryer: Easy Screen-Print Drying Stage II Dryers provide the essential features of Stage I plus Antec's through-panel, superheated, forced-hot-air system. Unlike other brands that distribute air around the panel, Antec's Stage II dryer goes the extra step. Up to 390 holes are precision drilled in each infrared panel, allowing as much as 100 cubic feet of superheated air to circulate each minute. The air flows directly down through the panel and onto the platen, dramatically increasing productivity while virtually eliminating scorching and burning concerns. You will really appreciate this feature when flashing or curing puff, nylon, or water based inks!Tight, fine-line registration, light inks on dark garments, multicolor jackets, bumper stickers..... The Stage II Flash Dryer makes screen print drying a breeze!Stage III Flash Dryers: Increasing Production Stage III Flash Dryers increase your production through automation. The results of extensive testing guided Antec's development of our production boosting, proprietary cycle-dwell-return system. Foot-pedal actuated, the Stage III panel will rotate over the platen and remain (dwell) from 0 to 60 seconds. The dwell can be adjusted to meet your current production requirements. Upon dwell completion, the panel automatically returns to the start position. Initiate a cycle by simply pressing and releasing the foot pedal, which causes the panel to rotate over the platen, dwell, then return to the start position.Another productivity-boosting feature on the Stage III Flash Dryer is our exclusive "quick return". At any time during the dwell/cure period, you can override the cycle by depressing the foot pedal. This returns the panel to the start position for the remainder of the dwell period, resetting itself for the next cycle - another Antec Stage III exclusive!Stage IV: Your Ultimate Solution Stage IV incorporates the key features in Stages I - III, resulting in the ultimate flash dryer for screen printing. Our customers agree!Stage IV combines the high-mass, infrared panel, and the automatic panel rotation with forced, through-panel, superheated air. The result? A truly versatile, production-oriented flash dryer. Stage IV is a problem solver, working wonders on plastisol, water base, nylon, and puff inks. Superheated air reduces scorching and greatly increases production through reduced flash dwell periods. Our efficient and technically advanced panels cure with no hot spots, providing you outstanding quality and total confidence in your final product. Antec's Stage IV Flash Dryer effectively addresses all of the dryer challenges you face at a highly competitive price! This is the dryer to maximize customer satisfaction and retention.在废水处理厂的常规污泥烘干机中,蒸气压差是蒸发到大气中的主要驱动力。在工业废水处理厂干燥设备中,施加辅助热量以增加周围空气的蒸汽保持能力,这有助于产生污泥水蒸发所需的潜热。加热干燥的目的是尽可能地除去水分,以便可以将其有效燃烧和处置,或者可以进一步加工成肥料。?? 污泥和空气界面之间的温度可以看做闪蒸干燥机提供一种有效的方法去除表面或游离的水分从饲料产品。在闪蒸干燥技术采用低停留时间在实际的烘干机。因此,水分“闪”下料。加热干燥介质在高速度进入干燥室通过一系列喷嘴介绍,创建一个湍流模式。干燥开始瞬间的湿料进入干燥器和遭遇湍流气体流。湍流产生的颗粒碰撞打散的饲料和暴露的DlB多功能制粒包衣机是集沸腾干燥-喷动干燥-沸腾制粒-旋流制粒-旋流包衣-底喷包衣-旋转床制粒(丸)各种规则流于一体的多功能制粒包衣机试验设备。该机包含制粒-流化包衣-流化干燥能多种工艺操作,DlB系列多功能制粒包衣机适用于医药、食品、化工等行业多品种、多剂型制颗? 污泥烘干机适用于城市污泥干化。污泥的干化处理,使污泥农用、作为燃料使用、焚烧乃至为减少填埋场地等处理方法成为可能。污泥烘干机的螺旋加料器出现存在封料问题如何解决?用于污泥烘干机的螺旋加料器,存在封料问题。解决办法有: 1、将螺旋制成比外壳短,借堆积的一段物料来达到料封的目的。 2、将螺旋叶高速混合机是配混过程常用的设备,很多人认为只要把材料加到高速混合机中,启动高速混合机电源混合就可以。但是真正了解高速混合机怎么样使用的又有多少。 1、 一般 · 相关行业产品:
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