闪蒸干燥机 基尔M / S奈良机械公司,日本,闪蒸干燥器在世界上的^制造商的技术合作,生产闪蒸干燥器。这种设计使用悬浮颗粒表面的材料中的水分迅速除去的固体颗粒分散在加热的气体/空气流的干燥技术。操作原理这个词闪蒸是指瞬时或快速干燥的产品。有五种主要因素支配的干燥速度。这些是:1。水分分布 这被定义为潮湿的表面的干燥介质(热空气或气体)中的可访问性。这是通过使用分散机如机械散射体,双桨馈线或笼式磨机等,通过混合在饲料中的干燥产物的产物在闪蒸干燥器实现。2。温度差 在闪蒸干燥,它是可能的,使用高的初始温度。这些都可能是由于接触时间短的结果,产品的温度从未超过气体的湿球温度,除非所有的表面水分除去。3。 AGITATION 在闪蒸干燥机,搅拌或湍流是通过使用高气体速度。蒸汽膜不断卷走从潮湿的颗粒。其结果是,除去水分几乎是瞬时的。4。颗粒结构 具有毛细管的材料将能够更迅速地得到的迅速干燥作用中的内部区域的表面自进化水分。有没有空隙的致密颗粒,是很难干燥,在一个闪蒸干燥系统。5。颗粒尺寸 通过蒸发从粒子的表面来完成干燥。因此,要除去的内部的水分,这是必要的水分通过扩散到达表面。这一转移将明显发生^迅速,更小的颗粒。典型布置 若干安排是可能的单独的应用程序,以适应规范。少数的安排都在这里显示。可以改变的需要和应用基础的基本组成部分。应用 闪蒸干燥可以考虑在几乎任何应用程序可以被转换成一个干粉滤饼,离心机蛋糕,污泥或潮湿的固体。 这种技术可以经济地使用几乎任何材料范围从热敏感的药品,如青霉素,磺胺类药物,可可蛋糕等食品原料,淀粉,纤维素,PVC,金属硬脂酸盐,矿物质,如碳酸钙陶瓷,粘土,和许多其他的化学物质,如材料。 此技术是^经济的,如果只以除去表面水分。FLASH DRYERS KILBURN manufactures Flash Dryers in technical Collaboration with M/S NARA MACHINERY COMPANY, JAPAN, the leading manufacturer of Flash Dryers in the world.This design uses suspended particle drying techniques where surface moisture of the material is rapidly removed by dispersing the particulate solids in a heated stream of gas / air.PRINCIPLE OF OPERATIONThe very word FLASH means instantaneous or rapid drying of products.There are five primary factors which govern the speed of drying. These are :1. MOISTURE DISPERSION This is defined as the accessibility of the moist surface to the drying medium (Hot air or gas). This is achieved in a flash dryer by use of a product disperser such as mechanical scatterer, double paddle feeder or cage mill etc. by mixing dried product in the feed.2. TEMPERATURE DIFFERENTIAL In flash drying it is possible to use high initial temperatures. These are possible due to short contact time with the result that the product temperature never exceeds the wet bulb temperature of the gas unless all surface moisture is removed.3. AGITATION In Flash Dryer, agitation or turbulence is accomplished by the use of high gas velocities. The vapour film is continuously swept away from moist particles. As a result, moisture removal is practically instantaneous.4. PARTICLE STRUCTURE Materials having capillaries will be able to evolve moisture to the surface from internal areas more rapidly resulting in swift drying action. Dense particles which have no voids are difficult to dry in a flash drying system.5. PARTICLE SIZE Drying is accomplished by evaporation from the surface of the particle. Therefore to remove the internal moisture, it is necessary that the moisture reaches the surface by diffusion. This transfer will obviously take place most rapidly with smaller particles.TYPICAL ARRANGEMENTS Several arrangements are possible for individual application to suit specification. A few arrangements are shown here. The basic components can be changed on need & application basis.APPLICATIONS Flash drying can be considered in almost any application where a Filter Cake, Centrifuge Cake, Sludge or Damp solids can be converted to a dry powder. This technique can be economically utilized on practically any material ranging from heat sensitive Pharmaceuticals like sulfa drugs, Penicillin, Food Materials like Cocoa Cake, Starch, Chemicals like Cellulose, PVC, Metallic Stearates, Minerals and Ceramics like Calcium Carbonates, Clay, and many other materials . This technique is most economical if only surface moisture is to be removed.关于干燥设备的选择,相信大家都非常关注。今天,我们将为大家分享一些经验:根据物料选择干燥设备。 干燥设备种类繁多。不同的物料选择不同的干燥设备,相同的物料具有不同的性质或不同的产量也会影响干燥机的选择。我们对物料的特性进行了分类,并对干燥过程进行了研究。这种方法是使用大量的经验,再加上对物料和干燥 一、概述 XSG型旋转闪蒸干燥机广泛适用于化工、医药、建材、食品等行业的颗粒状、粉状、膏糊状和滤饼状假团聚物料的分散和干燥。具有占地面积小、能源消耗低、热效率高可连续大批量生产的优点。干燥主机设有旋转切削装置,干燥物料经剪切、旋转、碰撞、摩擦等作用,使物料粉碎细化,呈高度分散状,? 污泥烘干机可以一次将含水率为百分之80左右的湿泥烘干至要求的标准,是污泥科学化处理处置的要求,将污泥变废为宝,变害为利,为企业和用户带来新的发展。 投资一台污泥烘干机需要多少钱? 对于污泥烘干机价格,目前市场上面没有一个标准的答案。通常将设备安装型号分为小型、中型、大型,价格也从几万、十几 当前,食品加工技术的一个重要发展趋势是****限度地保持食品的营养和色香味,而干燥工艺和设备的选择对食品产品的营养、色香味有很大影响。食品干燥有很多与“食品”相联系的特点,它不同于化工产品的干燥,前者需要考虑食品卫生、营养损失、色香味变化等等,对干燥温度和时间有严格限制;食品干燥又不同于中国干燥设备技术的缺陷 1、无特色产品 虽然我国有众多的干燥设备厂,但这些厂主要集中在几个地域里。为什么会造成这种局面,重要的原因之一就是干燥设备便于仿制,几十家甚至近百家生产同一个机型。造成你能做我也能做,你不能做我也不能做。各家的说明书、宣传 |
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